Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Evil hunters

How disgusting. The human took us on an adventure. I found a ladder that could take me the easy way up a tree. I couldn't climb it. How dare some human do that to me. So I snuck up the tree the old fashioned way! I hopped on the little floor! I saw a chair and peed on it.

I played there the longest time. It was fun. I could look down on my subjects the way a great one like me should. They pretended I didn't exist, but I knew they feared me.

When I was at the peak of fun, the human called for me. We were moving on. They were, at least. I was stuck up the tree. I tried the ladder. I couldn't get down. Ha! I, Jeff the Mighty Adventurer, could not be stopped. I grabbed the tree and scooted down.

On the way down, I made a vow that I will track down and rip to shreds the evil human who put a ladder on a tree. CURSE YOU HUMAN!!!


The Truth of Jeff's Adventure by Bindi and The Squeek

Jeff stood on the little floor crying like a baby until the human ripped off her pack and ran to the rescue. When Jeff saw her he felt like an idiot, grabbed the tree and wiggled down like a scared little girl.


Bindi and The Squeek are now running for their little lives, with Jeff close on their tails.

--The Human


Unknown said...

I can just picture it....I love reading these!

Yobeeone said...

He hasn't done a whole lot to write about lately, but this one was irresistible!

Jeff thanks you for being a fan!