Thursday, November 26, 2009

She tried to poke my eye out!!!


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful sexy eye that lived in my left socket. Then along came an evil cat, named Kitty, who tried to remove it with her claw. I hate Kitty. I still have my eye, but I’m blind. Did I mention that I hate Kitty?

Anyway, my pet human is really mad at her. She makes sure the two of us are never outside at the same time and if we are, evil Kitty has to be in the big dog cage. If I'm inside, she has to be out. I like it this way. muuhahahahaaa....

Blogger Labels: blind,cats,cat,pets,cat fights


Chana @ Lemon Lime Moon said...

Really blind? Poor Jeff!

Yobeeone said...

Yip. It scares me to death that something will happen to his other eye. If it does I'd have to have him put down. Horrible thought.